You don’t necessarily need a Reservation to bring in your Apple device (Mac, AppleTV, iPhone, iPad, iPod, AirPods, Beats) for us to repair.
You can just show up at either of our Locations to have it checked in, but it will be approximately 1-4 business days before we can start the diagnostic process, depending on our workload at the time of check-in.
We offer a RUSH Fee if you weren’t able to make a Reservation, or if there aren’t any Reservations available, but the RUSH Fee is above and beyond all other charges, and completion time is not guaranteed. For full disclosure about our RUSH Fee, please refer to our FAQ section.
There may be days when our workload is too heavy and we are not able to offer a RUSH. You are more than welcome to check it in, but we would not be able to diagnose it within our guaranteed 2-4 hour time frame of being checked in. You can still check it in as a RUSH, and we will put it on the next available open bench to start the diagnostic process.
If you are not able to make it to your Reservation at the designated time, we will not cancel your Reservation, but please call us to let us know you are going to be late.
If you are not able to make it to your Reservation for any reason, please be considerate of others, and cancel your Reservation to allow someone else a chance to bring their Mac or iOS device in for repair. In the Confirmation eMail you received from Apple titled “Your Upcoming Reservation”, there is a link you can click to “Manage My Reservations” which allows you to easily cancel your reservation.
Here are the steps to make an appointment with us through Apple’s Reservation System: